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A Cathartic Winter

My last post was on 16 May.  3 Months ago!  What a 3 months it has been.  Nothing short of small.  I don’t know about you, but from what I’ve heard from the collective – it has been a cathartic time.  Everyone has been experiencing great change in their own way.

Me.  Mine has been very internal.  If you’ve seen me, I might look calm, composed, or maybe even a bit quiet/reserved.  But internally it’s looked like The Tower card from the a Tarot Card deck.

A Cathartic Winter - The Tower

I’ve mostly been journaling my thoughts, keeping them to myself, which has helped me shift what is circling internally, moving it outwards.  Always important.  Wim Hof breathing has been a consistent, and being a Hermit has felt oh-so-right.

As mentioned in my previous post, I went through a death.  So my understanding is that through this Winter period, that phase continued.  When you think about Winter – what thoughts do you conjure?  I think of Bears hybinating.  Taking time out to sleep, rest, restore.  Call me a Bear.

It’s only with this newness of Spring energy that I am beginning to take steps out of my cave.  2 steps forward, 1 step back.  A little tentative and new on foot.  Feeling slightly awkward and uncomfortable in social settings.  1 step back.

Old ways have been shed.  Ways that I knew myself to be for so long.  I don’t quite know what to expect now.  I’ve been visioning for the past month – feeling into what I wish to create.  Law of Attraction states this will be so.  Feeling my inner landscape and living aligned to my self, not getting swept up in my physical reality as that is just passing through as change is shed.

I’ve been rewiring thoughts, choosing me more and more.  In moments where I would send love to someone, I am choosing to redirect it to me first.  I’ve been a needy bugger.  Often looking for love external of myself, we all do don’t we?  I’ve found this new.  I want to give so much in order to be loved in return, but this pattern seems to have pushed people away.

So I’m in the midst of this change.  Choosing me irrespective of the other.  Becoming more self sufficient.  Becoming so attractive in my own love, that love from another wouldn’t even matter.  Of course welcome, but irrelevant.  You know what?  It feels yummy!  It’s not conditional, it is constant.  Always available.  There is great peace here.

I am learning to walk again, holding this valuable gift, vulnerable to the old ways wanting to trick me back.  This is why I’ve been absent on Facebook.  I’ve wrapped myself up gently, and am holding myself sacred.  Emerging out slowly, to experience and integrate only when I want.

I have some big visions brewing.  They require great change.  I’ve been preparing myself, shedding old ways to make way for these new vibrations.  It is so tremendously exciting… I’m on the right track, I know it.  Such a welcome relief.

A Cathartic Winter - The Fool & The Sun

If you’re interesting in exploring this topic more deeply, connect with me;

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Chat with Heidi here

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I’d love to hear your thoughts.

With love, always <3

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