Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

I have cracked wide open

Today there is not to much else to do or understand, but just be and write a little. It feels like everything is coming to a head, and life as I currently know it is changing, not before my eyes – because that actually hasn’t happened yet – but on my insides. Since doing a …

personal growth changing my relationship

How My Personal Growth is changing my Relationship

For the last week or so, I feel like I my personal growth is changing my relationship. Everything has been up for review. Where I live My Relationship with Neil My J.O.B at lululemon The Condo I live in My light & purpose in the world/my calling That’s a lot of balls to have up …

Choosing a life with 0% alcohol in the name of GREATNESS

  Drugs and Alcohol. Most people in todays’ day are familiar with them and are likely to have tried either/or, or both. Since my teenage years I have known alcohol only to well. I was raised in New Zealand.  A small country where it is seen as ‘normal’ to have alcohol as part of your …

What is my life purpose?

Today I answered a bunch of questions for a fellow Amazing Life + Biz Academy Member, for the opportunity to be featured on her blog as part of her Soul-Full Sunday Interviews.  I have just read one of Carries’ blog posts, and it appears we are both Sexual Abuse thrivers.    I use the description …

Mediocre to Great – Great to Amazing, Amazing to Unbelievable, Unbelievable to ….

I wrote this blog this morning on my work ‘intranet’ blog, but felt it pertinent for anyone who runs their own business, or in a Customer Service type role…   I started writing out my Vision yet again, and I always love how it is a ever evolving thing, never still or stationary – much …

Your ego doesn’t want you to know this about yourself

Here is me,

Sharing with you my voice,

Todays reflections post magical coaching session this morning.

You know you are unlimited!

It is timeless within you.

It is the inner calling that pulls you forward.

Rise with it & shine like the light you were born to be!

I was there to drink my coffee, and this happened…

I am reminded, time and time again, that, we make a difference in the world, by showing up in our life’s each day. What do I mean by this? It is not our big picture that makes the difference.  It is our daily, very real, interactions with everyday people on the way to creating this …