Showing: 1 - 7 of 7 Articles

My Proven Weight Loss Tip

In my years of being a Trainer, the proven weight loss tip I’ve ever learnt and applied was,

“Chew your food mindfully in peace and quiet,
until it turns to liquid before you swallow”.

In doing so, each organ in your body carries out its designated role in the eating & digestion process.  The mouth for chewing & savoring the taste of your food, the stomach for breaking down chewed particles, the small intestine for absorption of nutrients & minerals, and the large intestine for releasing the waste.

In slowing our chewing, not only do we create time to enjoy our meal, appreciate what nutrition we’ve chosen to nourish our bodies with, the earth it has grown in. We also give our stomach the time it needs to tell our brain that it feels satiated, which means we’ve eaten enough.  Therefore we don’t over eat more than is needed.  We don’t receive this message way past having already eaten everything on our plates.  We are often conditioned to eat everything that’s on our plate, despite our bodies telling us we’re full.

In listening to our bodies feelings of fullness, we also get to eliminate some digestive programs that occur from not chewing our food correctly.  Leaky gut, constipation, acid re flux, gas, bloating, burping, abdominal pain, indigestion to name a few.

Because I changed how I chewed my food, my meal portions dropped, my tummy felt less bloated, and I dropped excess weight.  I was no longer eating more than I needed, and was able to shed additional kilos my body was holding onto.

This simple change is easier than trying to change many dietary things at once.”My Proven Weight Loss Tip

Heidi Firth is a Personal Trainer, Transpersonal Coach & Energy Healer.
Her passion is to inspire others to connect with their inner wisdom, their Inner Guru.


Not having a Dad has become my greatest gift

Neils’ Dad has been here visiting for the weekend.  He lives in Campellville, Ontario. I’ve met him twice before when Neil & I visited for Christmas & the packing down of his Mothers’ Condo in Milton. He’s a lovely man, a real Dad type.  I guess what other type is there really?  I think I …

Poo, farts & gluten intolerance…

Poo, farts & Gluten Intolerance… Do you have issues with any of these; + Dealing with any of the line up in the image to your right + Feeling uncomfortable tension inside your gut & intestines – giving you that constant sense of bloat + Being that person at dinners out who has to ensure …

get the life you want

Pt 2 – how to get the life you want

Welcome back. It’s now been a few days that you’ve been practicing the mantra, Hello.  I Hear You.  I Love You, from Pt 1 of my blog here. You will have noticed that after practicing it for a while, you’ve moved into a space where you are beginning to question the truth of these thoughts. You …

Pt 1 – How do I change my thoughts?

Are you aware of all the different thoughts babbling away in your head?

One telling you NOT to eat that block of chocolate.
Another telling you to get out, exercise more.
What about the one that makes you feel guilty whenever you choose something loving or nurturing for yourself.

What are all these thoughts there for?

Most of us go about with these background thoughts playing.  We may, or may not choose to look at them and hear what they’re saying. Most of the time people don’t because, well, who really wants to listen to someone berating us for doing something that we want, or don’t want to do, ex – chocolate/exercise.

The internet is filled with motivational quotes – inspirational images of pretty girls with hot bodies & fashionable vibrant exercise wear – promoting ‘Just do it’. Our Egos are being stimulated to focus on reaching our goals.

Set your goals + chase them + achieve them = happiness!

But does it?

Once you have worked for that hot body like your Instagram feed pics, your green smoothie recipe is on par with your latest Vegan sista’s blog – have you really reached true happiness?

It is really easy to think we have, because we have joined the mass health movement and are following the trend of what is hip & cool.

I’ve been there & I know how good it can feel, and it does feel good.  But how healthy is your mind?  How healthy are your thoughts circling around that styled sexy mop of yours?

How many times did you take selfies before you felt confident enough to share it because it caught your best look?

We have made it into this era where it all looks great from here.  We’re all aware of healthy eating.
Eating locally raised/Organic produce
Eating balanced Protein/Fat/Carb type meals – eating optimally for health & energy requirements
Moving our bodies regularly
Taking selfies or getting friends to take our photo while we pose our mastered Asana.
Taking pics of nature & how we enjoy spending our non working time.

I love it – it IS beautiful to behold, and being aware of this wave of health conscious individuals.

BUT – what I really want to know is, how are your THOUGHTS?

What is going on underneath your tanned athletic complexion, regular Yoga/HIIT classes, green power smoothies, and motivational insta quotes?

Are you keeping up with the trend because it is such?  Or are these actions truly aligned with your inner self?  There is no right or wrong answer, however your answer could dictate the inner workings of your mind.

Back in my 20’s I kept up with the best of them.  Churning through my daily workouts, eating clean and every 3-4 hours.  My routine was near flawless.  I was fit, lean, energetic & felt like I was in control.

My Ego on the other hand, was not.  I was driven to run from the truth of how I really felt about myself.  My subconscious patterning and beliefs.
“you’re not good enough, you’re not pretty enough, you don’t have enough, you’re not lean enough, you’re not doing enough, you’re different to everyone else…”

These very beliefs created the gym junkie persona that I identified with.  I thought that that ‘healthy gym goer WAS who I was!

It was only when I started to acknowledge these inner thoughts that my life started to slowly change.  I didn’t know it at the time, but it wasn’t possible for me to maintain who I was showing up in the world as, and live by these old beliefs that were fueling that behavior.  A new reality was being created. One that would see me feeling good inside AND out.

It may well be possible to live a life where you look good on the outside whilst juggling these self depreciating thoughts, but from memory – I didn’t enjoy it to much, and it is likely that there is polar opposite behaviour playing out because of these very same thoughts.  It might show up in the form of;
– weekend party girl/binge drinker
– binge eater
– bulimic
– workaholic
– promiscuity
– substance addiction
– addiction to being busy
– fear of being on your own
+ a world of other examples.

You may think that one balances the other.

You may also want to change this, but haven’t known how or where to start.

You are tired of this balance.

Tired of the hangovers, the inner guilt trips, the digestive problems and/or disorders…. You have IBS, Constipation, Gluten Intolerant, Celiac, numerable food allergies.

So back to those thoughts of yours.  What do you do?

Start by acknowledging them.  Give them your awareness.

Each time you hear a self depreciating thought – acknowledge it by saying Hello, I Hear You. I Love You then let it go.

Hello.  I Hear You.  I Love You.  Every time you hear anything negative said towards yourself from yourself.  Hello.  I Hear You.  I Love You.

Practice this small significant action for the next few days.

Let me know how you go in the comments below or reach out here.

how do I change my thoughts
2006 – Me just prior to my Body Building Competition

10 Quick Health changes you can apply NOW…

Wanna read some of my favorite things that contribute towards my Health? 1 – Stop.  Close your eyes.  Take 5 deep breaths into your belly. 2 – Drink a big glass of fresh clean NON tap water.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat. 3 – Take your shoes off.  Walk on the grass.  Focus your energy down to …