It’s kinda tough to illustrate 1 year in just a few words or images, but this month, it’s been 1 year that I’ve been back on home soil. I can’t quite believe it. 1 year ago I landed all bright eyed and optimistic of what was to come being back in the West and in …
A Cathartic Winter
My last post was on 16 May. 3 Months ago! What a 3 months it has been. Nothing short of small. I don’t know about you, but from what I’ve heard from the collective – it has been a cathartic time. Everyone has been experiencing great change in their own way.
Me. Mine has been very internal. If you’ve seen me, I might look calm, composed, or maybe even a bit quiet/reserved. But internally it’s looked like The Tower card from the a Tarot Card deck.
I’ve mostly been journaling my thoughts, keeping them to myself, which has helped me shift what is circling internally, moving it outwards. Always important. Wim Hof breathing has been a consistent, and being a Hermit has felt oh-so-right.
As mentioned in my previous post, I went through a death. So my understanding is that through this Winter period, that phase continued. When you think about Winter – what thoughts do you conjure? I think of Bears hybinating. Taking time out to sleep, rest, restore. Call me a Bear.
It’s only with this newness of Spring energy that I am beginning to take steps out of my cave. 2 steps forward, 1 step back. A little tentative and new on foot. Feeling slightly awkward and uncomfortable in social settings. 1 step back.
Old ways have been shed. Ways that I knew myself to be for so long. I don’t quite know what to expect now. I’ve been visioning for the past month – feeling into what I wish to create. Law of Attraction states this will be so. Feeling my inner landscape and living aligned to my self, not getting swept up in my physical reality as that is just passing through as change is shed.
I’ve been rewiring thoughts, choosing me more and more. In moments where I would send love to someone, I am choosing to redirect it to me first. I’ve been a needy bugger. Often looking for love external of myself, we all do don’t we? I’ve found this new. I want to give so much in order to be loved in return, but this pattern seems to have pushed people away.
So I’m in the midst of this change. Choosing me irrespective of the other. Becoming more self sufficient. Becoming so attractive in my own love, that love from another wouldn’t even matter. Of course welcome, but irrelevant. You know what? It feels yummy! It’s not conditional, it is constant. Always available. There is great peace here.
I am learning to walk again, holding this valuable gift, vulnerable to the old ways wanting to trick me back. This is why I’ve been absent on Facebook. I’ve wrapped myself up gently, and am holding myself sacred. Emerging out slowly, to experience and integrate only when I want.
I have some big visions brewing. They require great change. I’ve been preparing myself, shedding old ways to make way for these new vibrations. It is so tremendously exciting… I’m on the right track, I know it. Such a welcome relief.
If you’re interesting in exploring this topic more deeply, connect with me;
Join the Be Your Own Guru Community here
Chat with Heidi here
My trip to Sydney and its death cycle
It’s been four days since I landed back on home soil in New Zealand.
My trip to Australia was a significantly big one.
Externally it may not have looked like it. But internally, a lot was moving.
Before I left I wasn’t feeling excited about it. In fact, I could’ve easily not gone. But that wasn’t an option, there were things to do and people to see, I was going.
I wrote a Facebook post here, as I was waiting at Queenstown Airport. Sharing my thoughts about how I feel Airports create a definitive ending and beginning. Well this trip didn’t disappoint.
I had an amazing time in Sydney. I hired a Van, kitted out with everything. They even upgraded me, so to my surprise I had a gas cook top, all the cookware, a kitchen sink with running water and even a fridge! The bench seats expanded out into a huge bed, and there were curtains around the whole van, which created such privacy – I felt safe and contained wherever I went.
It was such a convenience having this van. It enabled me to go where I wanted and sleep there also – I highly recommend it as a form of travel. Check out hippie campers should it call you.
I found myself in South Curl Curl for a number of nights. It was where a number of my friends were close to, and it was next to my old local hood. It made sense and it felt comfortable for me to be back there, not to mention the beach was nearby.
Even so, being back on familiar land, upon going to sleep, I still need to introduce myself to the land, the native or local spirits and let them know I was there for a night or two. I don’t know you about you, but when I sleep somewhere new, I am often greeted by the curiosity of local energies – poking and proding me to test who I am and what business I have being on their land.
My trip continues, a dear friends wedding, a trip to the Blue Mountains to deal with stuff I left behind, visits to more dear friends, ocean swimming, coastal walks, catching up on life and times that seem to past in the blink of an eye. I was enjoying myself, but could feel a discomfort and sadness making herself known.
Fast forward, when I returned back to New Zealand. That deep sadness had crept in. From the moment I landed at Queenstown Airport, I could feel my tears behind my eyes. I was feeling very on my own. No messages to greet me home. A billion questions from customs. 7 degrees. No one to pick me up. No bus for the next half hour. No biggie usually, but everything was triggering my sadness. I sat at the cold bus stop and cried.
For the rest of that evening and the next day, oddly – it felt like none of my friends were available. Everyone was busy, everyone doing life in their own way. I felt alone, unsupported and very very emotional.
What I came to understand, is that whilst in Sydney. I tapped back into that old Heidi. The old version of myself that lived and existed in there. The single gal, independent, the can do anything attitude, the one who lived her days in her own world doing her own thing. Between this time in Sydney – until these days in QT – I’ve grown into a new version of myself. I’d like to think, one with a lot more meaning, depth and compassion.
My sadness was a shedding of this old self. Like a snake would shed its skin (funny now I am remembering my snake dreams before leaving NZ). I was experiencing the old me, from the current me’s perspective. She was a smaller version of myself. Feeling so alone, disconnected and small in comparison.
I continued to sit in the discomfort of what I was feeling, and uncomfortable it was. There have been no shortage of tears these past days. In fact I had such a powerful crying session the other day, it required a nap afterwards.
I’ve been feeling discomfort in social situations, discomfort with my own presence. An energy in my body that I couldn’t shift or shake no matter my acknowledgement. This needed a natural evolution of release that takes it’s time as per nature’s way.
Yesterday, Tuesday, Angelo and I went for a hike up Wye Creek – a particularly powerful area. Filled with spirit and life. The depth here palpable and undeniable.
We ventured to our own areas near the waterfall, with the intention of doing some Wim Hof breathing and cold immersion. I wasn’t brave enough for the cold immersion – but I dove into my breathing. I burped, spat, yawned, shook and purged so much energy my mind couldn’t fathom what was happening. All I know is, I was releasing and shedding what I no longer needed.
When I go through these seemingly crazy releases, I often think of a few things. How our bodies are innately wise, how our ego’s have the ability, through conditioning, to shield or block us from connection, how nature is there to be our constant teacher.
In summary – I’ve been through/am completing yet another Death cycle. After reading Women Who Run with Wolves – Hunting: When the Heart Is a Lonely Hunter – my attention is brought to Skeleton Woman: Life/Dealth/Life Nature of Love Cycles. I am so wildly fascinated by her.
In this context within this story, Clarissa writes;
“In order to create this enduring love, one invites a third partner to the union. The third partner is Skeleton Woman. She is also called Lady Death, and as such, she is the Life/Death/Life nature in one of her many guises. In this form, Lady Death is not a disease, but a diety.
In a relationship she has the role of the oracle who knows when it is time for ycesl to begin and end. As such, she is the wildish aspect of the relationship, the one of whom men are most terrified… and sometimes woman also, for when faith in the transformative has been lost, the natural cycles of increase and attrition are feared as well.”
In essence, what I understand is, that in order to experience life and love relationships to their fullest, all parties need to embrace the Death Cycle in their sphere. Without it, life is void of meaning and remains surface level without fulfillment or satisfaction.
It is not an easy or comfortable thing to face death head on. I believe if we did still as a society we wouldn’t have the sickness that we see. People would live more balanced satisfied lives in all facets. Love, Relationships, Health, Work, Sex, Family… but sadly it is a forgotten way or feared way.
A part of me died upon returning home to New Zealand. A part of my psyche, an old way of being that was no longer serving me in the world, in the life I want to create, and so in letting her go, I needed to grieve a loss. I needed to purge her on an emotional, mental & spiritual level.
It is time to reawaken our ways of being, of innate connection with our land and the nature Life/Death/Life nature cycles.
If you’re interesting in exploring this topic more deeply, connect with me;
Join the Be Your Own Guru Community here
Chat with Heidi here
Join me in Queenstown this Saturday for Intro to Energetic Self Care
the wolves have returned
it’s 17 december.
we are days away from 2017 being no more.
it’s easy to remember that this year has been tumultuous!
i think the only reason why i am remembering, is because all the feels have come flooding back, i feel like i have somehow transported back in time to how i’ve felt most of this year.
this year has been relentless.
relentless in lessons, in unfolding layers of muck and untruths. a general supersized spring clean out that has been overdue since eternity. who knows how many lifetimes this heaviness has been weighing my soul down for?
see, that’s just it isn’t it?
we are not merely dealing with our here and now. what we see in front of our eyes.
we are deep diving, and clearing out the trash of our past.
our grand mothers mother, and maybe even her grand mothers mother – where does it begin or end?
so when asked, what is wrong? it has been common to not know. to shake our heads, as if surrendering to the higher power orchestrating this dance. for we are merely vessels to direct and hone this light body. it’s easy to forget.
our work surpasses what we think we are here to complete. we are more than the conversations that take place each moment.
my energy shifts your energy. your energy shifts my energy. we are one.
and so, as these feels return, i am reminded of the work that i committed to, and what i am witness to is moving through me.
an ancient wisdom returning, remembering, connecting to all that is, greater than my ego can understand. oh ego – dear little ego.
new beginnings have arrived.
it IS the dawn of a new era.
there are more of us than ever before. ready. hungry.
there has never been a time like there is right now.
the wolves have returned, and we’re coming in numbers.
we bring hope of new life!

when there is nothing *internal to do…
Last week, I had such an amazing, joyful time here in Mongan Village. The sun shone, I walked the dogs, I saw a client, I held a group discussion – it felt really really good. This week, it has rained constantly. No clients so far, dogs with cabin fever and my inner landscape feeling …

Molly, Me & a place to call home
It’s now been 6 nights and about 2 hours since I moved into my new home, and let me tell you – life feels so very different on the other side.
The last time I was able to unpack my bags without an agenda to move anywhere would have been Victoria, Canada. I don’t include the Silent Retreat as that was Ashram style living and frankly – who wants to consider living there long term?
I’ve landed safely with both feet, as my new home includes everything. I have a bathroom – hot & cold water, a kitchen – including gas cooker AND fridge, a bed, a garden AND a pool! Jackpot!
These might seem like very simple things to give appreciation for, but when you’ve been bed & house hopping for the past year, it changes one’s perspective A LOT!
For the last 5 mornings I’ve cooked breakfast at home. The satisfaction that this small little task offers is in-explainable. Having to pop out to cafes to eat first thing in the morning can feel relentless after a while. Don’t get me wrong – the food and coffee here are wonderful and I am so very grateful to have had the abundance to do this. But this chicken is ready for a rest and to focus my energy constructively elsewhere. Not on where I’m going to eat today. Big shift.
At the same time, a little rescue Bali Dog affectionately named Molly has shown up in my life. She’s a little doll of a puppy, if a puppy can be called that? She’s a special little being that has been brought back from the brink of near extinction and has won our hearts. So for now she is living with me. A house and a dog in one week, a partner on his way.
Yup life. It feels possible again. Today when asked how I’m doing, my reply – good. Full stop. No stories, no explorations or reflections. Just good. Great in fact.
With the world in upheaval the way it is, to feel good is GREAT!
My inner world is where it’s at. It is all there is. From my inner world I am creating my external. Amazing things are beginning to make their way to me at a rapid rate. I am merely preparing to receive them right now. I’m resting when I need to & enjoying this massive clearing rain Bali has been receiving for FOUR days straight now. FOUR DAYS OF RAIN!
So this little blog is just a little ditty of gratitude. No massive reflections, no deep diving. A reminder that simplicity and gratitude for such is where I’m at. I couldn’t be happier in this moment, well I can think of one – but that’s for between my ears only 😉
In love, gratitude & amazing health
love heidi

2017 & finding my words again
2017 is here, 2016 fades, and I’m learning to find my words again.
For me, 2016 still lingers, like a bad smell that won’t quit. A reminder of the epic lessons thrown at me. The relentless pummeling, like being dumped in a massive surf break that appears as endless as an Australian Summer.
Last year was a massive year of endings, lessons, transformations, challenges & every other color in between that. I was forced to let go of anything and everything I knew to be true, AND, any form of external safety or security I had created.
I found myself living in Bali for the full duration, with a brief trip to Australia for a visa run. Other than that, it was life in a Silent Retreat for 8.5 months, followed by life in Ubud, Bali.
In hindsight now, I can see that I simply needed to make the decision to be here, rather than leave decisions to the wind and magically hope that Bali would simply provide everything I could need. But hindsights are always that aren’t they, seeing life clearly once you’ve been on the rollercoaster ride of life adventure.
It was scary being here. Scary in the not knowing, it still is. Of surrendering to the fact that we are not control. I struggle with this dance. Of choosing a direction and trusting that I will be supported in it. I think I am still holding the scars from the last time I trusted this process. Leaving Australia for Canada, and then leaving Canada for New Zealand. I’m smart ya know – I do understand that life is about experiences – adventure. Successes and Failures. But today I acknowledge *yet again* the pain of hurt in my heart from something that ended so abruptly.
So I struggle to choose something and trust. Hence the non choosing of my life here in Bali. To just wander and drift and hope that life would show up for me. And it has, I have constantly been provided for. Amazing friends & family who have provided accommodation, food & listening loving ears whenever I have needed.
But this way of living has invited a sense of hopelessness, a mistrust within myself that I didn’t hold the power to make anything happen, that I was at the complete mercy of life to carry me where I needed to go. Even today I still feel like this. Just having finished a conversation with a new friend in a coffee shop, I still feel powerless to life.
I know no one knows where they are going, but I for one feel like I’m leading the party on the mission to no where. Sometimes I feel like I have it right, and everyone else has it wrong. Because we aren’t going anywhere, we are only here. Right here, right now. In fact to think we are going anywhere else but here is laughable!
“Want to make god laugh? Tell him your plans.”
But my lesson of the year, is one of trust & co-creation. Of working with the law of attraction to make the desirable occur. I want a home. I have to choose a home. Sounds basic right? Yes. But I’ve lacked the fundamental self belief that I am worthy of anything, so therefore chose to not choose anything. And because I chose nothing, then nothing showed up, despite me wanting stuff. I was in-congruent with my core belief – “I’m not worthy.” So keep attracting more of not being worthy. Ouch!
I’m on the final straight of this doozy of a lesson. I am SO done with believing I am not enough, it serves NO ONE!
Yes – I have chosen that I want a home & am actively searching. It is taking it’s sweet time for sure, but I’m putting it down to the right one making it’s way to me. I am receiving messages that this lesson is near completion, that I have done the work, and that now it’s about letting go and allowing the final completion to occur with gratitude for all it’s wonder and juiciness.
I gave thanks to my dear Sista – Samaya last night, she has opened up her home to me & has made me feel nothing but welcome. I said to her, if this is the final hurrah of this lesson, I’ve been given such a wonderful opportunity by sharing such quality time with her.
Forgive my writing, but I’m still finding my writing pants – I think I have lost them from the constant bed hopping that I’ve been participating in. Writing feels like I am swimming in an alphabet stew and cannot connect the correct letters, let alone words, to put together. I used to find writing & blogging so easy – but currently it’s like trying to swim to the surface after being pummeled by those said waves in the beginning.
This is an Osho card reading I gave myself last night. Depicting the situation at hand.
1 – The Issue – Consciousness
2 – What I’m present to internally – Innocence
3 – What needs to happen externally – Letting Go
4 – What is currently happening – Transformation
5 – The Outcome – Completion
3 of these cards being Major Arcana Cards – representing BIG lessons at play.

6 Signs You’re Experiencing the Awakening Process
Perhaps you’ve read about the awakening process or are going through it yourself. The world is shifting and people are awakening to the truth of this life. It can be a scary initiation that is a preparation into your unique life purpose and why you are living this life. One that has more meaning than that of simply following the society norm of which we have been conditioned to through our up bringing.
To help a little, and normalize what you might be experiencing, I’ve compiled 6 examples to support your surrender and remind you you aren’t alone.
I know when I experienced these, I felt like I was the only person on Earth and didn’t understand what was happening. Please know you’re not alone as many have gone before you, and are right alongside you right now. At this time there is an abundance of people available to support you and understand your experience.
6 Signs You’re Experiencing the Awakening Process
1 – Something outside of your control happens;
Maybe you lost your job?
A large financial challenge occurs.
You move homes, or locations.
You’re going through a divorce or separation with a loved one.
Someone dear to you passes on.
A desired outcome was not fulfilled.Situations that occur beyond what our Ego has calculated can invite an opportunity for fear to visit. This is not a bad thing. Merely a chance to test our resiliency and feel emotions we may not have allowed ourselves to feel by being in our mapped out existence. When we know what we know, well… When we don’t know what we don’t know…
2 – Feeling emotional for unknown reasons;
You experience a spectrum of emotions for unknown (or maybe known) reasons. But you really do not understand WHY you feel this magnified way about this unknown, or known thing, but you do. You feel like reclusing, hiding, you are unsure how to cope.
When life happens for us externally, it can activate emotions that are suppressed within our psyche. Something may have happened during our childhood years, or perhaps past lives, that we weren’t able to process, that now as an adult we have the capacity to.
3 – Feeling alone/misunderstood in usual social situations;
Going out tonight, you didn’t really feel like going. But you go because you feel a sense of obligation. It’s what you ‘should’ do. The small talk at the outing feels really really hard. You long to simply be at home, or be able to talk about what is really going on in your life, but you feel far to vulnerable to show how you really feel and fear being judged and feeling like ‘that person’. That person who is struggling with life and doesn’t have it all together. Because of course we should, right? (tongue in cheek)
As our consciousness is shifting and we are awakening to a whole new world of thoughts, feelings, emotions and ways of being in the world, we begin to shift and out grow or existing reality.
4 – Increased sensitivity to usual environments & information
Watching the News, or reading Newspapers is no longer enjoyable. You don’t like the fear mongering in these stores, they make you feel bad. You prefer to scroll Social Media for feel good stories, articles and information, watch YouTube Videos and choose to inform yourself on what ‘the people’ are sharing. There are great things happening in the world too! You are consciously choosing to feel good, not bad.
You might be beginning to notice how easy it is to feel bad based on environmental factors. Media, people, environments, food, bars, clubs, places you used to put your energy into. You’ll be making conscious choices for what makes you feel good vs bad.
5 – Falling away of current friendships
You’re feeling like your current circle of friends don’t understand you and what is happening. You struggle to talk to them and feel really uncomfortable when you try. When you do, they console you with things like:
– it’ll pass
– you’ll be right // you’ll get through this
– everyone goes through something
– did you know such and such had xyz happen – you’re lucky compared to them
It’s not their fault they don’t know how to acknowledge you, but you feel no better, maybe worse and more alone from not feeling heard.Yup – this is a tricky, and personal one to navigate. Ensure you seek support from a practitioner who can acknowledge how you feel. How you feel IS important and valid and it’s absolutely irrelevant to compare your situation to another person going through the same or different circumstances. We are all unique and riding our own life waves.
6 – There is discomfort in the life you once felt comfort
Suddenly, being in large populated areas like shopping malls, supermarkets now aggravates you. The bright lights, artificial food & packaging, screaming children, intense energy, the sense of stress and urgency from over worked faces around you. Not to mention the stress of getting in and out of the car park!
Another uncomfortable one, but a great opportunity to acknowledge you and your needs. There are other options available that don’t have to include going to a busy supermarket or mall. Lucky now we have home gardens, whole foods stores, weekend markets, organic delivery services, co-ops. Start doing some research if you haven’t already to connect with local people, create grass roots connections with others around you who are connected to the Earth. Life isn’t a fast food store, so we shouldn’t live like it.
Lots of wonderful unfolding lessons will show themselves in time. This is a magical time where you will see more than you have before. It may not feel like it at the time, but remember to breathe, seek support and know you are not alone in this.

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He made HOW much from doing WHAT?
He made how much from doing what? Where am I going with this? I want to briefly share with you an opportunity that I’ve stumbled upon recently. Up until then, I had been questioning, walking blindly, intention setting, asking for clarity about how do I create a successful online business. Success for me equaling spreading …
Life took a drastic turn
So days ago, in fact the day after I wrote my previous blog, my life took a drastic turn.
I have been spending extended time in a Silent Retreat, on the magical island of Bali. It’s been a little over 8 months so far, hence my previous blog post. (You can read that blog here.)
Upon returning from Australia, I was met with changes in my exchange at the retreat, to which I decided to step up into. I imagined that there was a higher purpose for me being here, you know, to create something of my own contribution towards this retreat space and the hundreds of courageous souls who visit.
The next day, a whirlwind happened and I was let go! A mass of incorrect communications took place. Different perceptions of the same words, catapulted into miscommunication which resulted in this action. It was wild, it was crazy, there may have been some angry words said, all necessary in the transition of this lesson.
But the strange thing is, I am not upset about it. It feels right and I am in total acceptance that this was what had to happen. And so now I sit in a space much like the butterfly does, as she allows her wings to dry before taking flight into a new adventure.
Mostly I feel excited and optimistic, though occasionally I feel nervous.
I want so much to step into an exciting opportunity that nurtures my soul to the highest extent. I just want to get going, but equally flit with days of simply just needing rest and feeling exhausted. What a ride this is.
Today feels more optimistic. After a chat with a friend, I’m being reminded of processes akin to nature. These support me to accept what is and to not work against my own unfolding.
Se are human beings and we have an ego. The ego likes to know what is happening. I know mine does.
– Where am I going?
– What do I want to do?
– How will I have money?
– Do I put my energies into Be Your Own Guru?
All these questions and more are humming along in the background that I am acknowledging.
Still I wish to act from love. I wish to take action as & when it feels right. Acting from fear only gets in the way, and prevents what really needs to drop in to arrive and be heard.
I explored websites my friend shared, and worked on my primary values – to help manifest & gain clarity of my next step. These are the only steps available right now. This, and to honor how much my body needs rest. I nap each afternoon & am moving very gently.
One can only work with what is available & be in the dance of co-creation. Good things take time & everything has a natural rhythm.