Heidi is passionate about empowering individuals remember who they truly are. Remembering at a soul level, all wisdom is held to support this lifes journey.

Be Your Own Guru came to life in 2014 following 10 years of studying various healing modalities that supported Heidi’s earliest dark night quests. Whilst she sought support from healing practitioners when needed, her studies empowered her to access tools that enabled diving deeply into psyche to acknowledge & release early childhood traumas.

From listening to the deep inner call of depression (deep rest), to un-programming thought patterns, building emotional maturity to reparenting my inner child.

Heidi knows and trusts that our soul guides & seeks what is needed moment to moment, and so within the sacred container together, what will be revealed will be what is needed at the unique time.

Each session is individual, unique and may address aspects like;

– inner child re connection & re-parenting
– chakra clearing & balancing
– aura cleansing & balancing
– past life healing
– ancestral healing
– masculine & feminine energy balancing & grounding
– theta healing, belief work to release & heal energetic blocks & thought patterns
– primal pattern diet typing
– program design & facilitation
– health & lifestyle coaching
++ so much more…

Audiobook I’m currently listening to;