Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 Articles
having no agenda for change

Bali Visa Musings – having no agenda for change

While sitting in the Immigration Office in Bali, I was contemplating how much change my life has undergone, is such a short space of time.  Living within a Silent Retreat has brought me back to simplicity & the heart of what really matters in life. I now see the many many distractions we create in …

Why I question EVERYTHING!

For the love of god! Question EVERYTHING! A few conversations have popped up at work recently where I hear people answer; “they said we can’t” “we’re not allowed too”, or variations of these sentences. I always like to reply back to this statement with; “why?” “who is ‘they’?” “what is the reason?” Working within a …

A story for you my sister…

A reoccurring theme has been emerging in my dreams for some years now. I had another last night, and when I awoke, spent some time reflecting on it. It connects to an experience I had during my teenage years. In these years, it involves my friends not inviting me to join them for a spa …
