A spacious & deeply relaxing class.

In this space you’ll be invited to drop into a gentle Yin* container. Beginning with an arrival meditation & simple breathwork exercise, to welcome the whole of you into the space. Followed by a series of slow postures, held anywhere from 2 to 7 minutes, to support your muscles, tissues, joints and bones to relax and unwind, and your mind to quieten.

* Yin = Generally speaking, Yin is characterized as an inward energy that is feminine, still, dark, and negative. The container can also be described as; gentle, nurturing, nourishing, loving, safe, explorative.

Yinter Yoga Classes
Body Restore Clinic, 44 David Street, Blenheim
Wednesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm

$20 – Casual Class
$70 – 4 Classes – Book & pay for 4 Classes Upfront

Please book your class & specific dates from the below scheduler.
Once booked, you will receive confirmation & payment details.

If you’re wanting to book TODAY – Wednesdays Class, note the schedule below closes 2 hours prior to class starting.
Please contact me directly – 027 578 7476 as there may still be availability.

Some of my favorite Yin Yoga Playlists;