Poo, farts & Gluten Intolerance…
Do you have issues with any of these;
+ Dealing with any of the line up in the image to your right
+ Feeling uncomfortable tension inside your gut & intestines – giving you that constant sense of bloat
+ Being that person at dinners out who has to ensure there is no Gluten in any of the dishes.
Does your stomach bloat at the very smell of bread?
Are you all to familiar with any or all of the above?
Does your poop look like any of the images except Number 7?
Well, I’m here to say, that it doesn’t need to be this way! No-siree-bob!
I’ve been there, done that. And I’m out on the other end, living with Number 7 once to twice a day, and life feels great!
Obviously it wasn’t always this way, otherwise this blog post wouldn’t exist.
It took me a good 1.5 years to transform what needed to shift in order to align to my path of power.
So I want to yell from the rooftops, that you can do it too!
It all started with diet eliminations. The first being when I removed all forms of processed foods, sugars, carbohydrates from my diet in preparation for my first Womens Figure Body Building Competition.
This opened up a whole world of awareness for me. How food affected my energy, well-being and my gut. I learnt very quickly that eating bread for me at the time, made me sluggish, bloated & totally uncomfortable.
I put myself on a Gluten Intolerant diet, and that was that. I must’ve followed that for 4 years, not thinking anything of it. As Gluten free diets are ‘normal’ in our world today.
It was during this time, that one week I had an ache in the side of my torso that would not release. I knew going to a Doctor wouldn’t be my way forward, so I asked Spirit to guide me to someone who could. After a week, I found myself walking past a Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic and was guided to walk in.
The rest is history, but now on the other side of this journey – I can see how I absolutely needed to address some home truths about what was being held in my beautiful body, and how addressing them, transformed my health and well being, beyond what simply a change in diet could. A change in diet was part of mine, as was the exploration of stored unprocessed emotions and old beliefs held within my physical body & mindset.
Transformation happens when all layers & levels of being are addressed. Physical, mental and emotional.
When they are, the result is beyond what one could imagine prior to the journey.
I now offer packages that support individuals embarking on the healing of their digestive issues that will see them right through to the stage of completion and transformation.
Ongoing support is recommended for the changes and emotions that arise for individuals.
These sessions are available by Skype and Distance Healings. One on One sessions are available if you live in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Contact me at me@heidifirth.com, or ask your questions in the comments section below…
Sending so much love to your soul & beautiful digestive system within these words. <3