Showing: 11 - 20 of 34 Articles
having no agenda for change

Bali Visa Musings – having no agenda for change

While sitting in the Immigration Office in Bali, I was contemplating how much change my life has undergone, is such a short space of time.  Living within a Silent Retreat has brought me back to simplicity & the heart of what really matters in life. I now see the many many distractions we create in …

Being your own guru within your family unit

Being your own guru – within your family unit…

Well let me tell you, I’m sure this topic has been years in the making! I left New Zealand when I was a mere 20 years old.  Bright eyed and bushy tailed – ready to take on the world. I had a one way ticket to London, England and all I knew was that I …

Why I question EVERYTHING!

For the love of god! Question EVERYTHING! A few conversations have popped up at work recently where I hear people answer; “they said we can’t” “we’re not allowed too”, or variations of these sentences. I always like to reply back to this statement with; “why?” “who is ‘they’?” “what is the reason?” Working within a …

A story for you my sister…

A reoccurring theme has been emerging in my dreams for some years now. I had another last night, and when I awoke, spent some time reflecting on it. It connects to an experience I had during my teenage years. In these years, it involves my friends not inviting me to join them for a spa …

Not having a Dad has become my greatest gift

Neils’ Dad has been here visiting for the weekend.  He lives in Campellville, Ontario. I’ve met him twice before when Neil & I visited for Christmas & the packing down of his Mothers’ Condo in Milton. He’s a lovely man, a real Dad type.  I guess what other type is there really?  I think I …

Canada vs Australia vs Bali and The Universal Plan

Summer is slowly on her way out, and Fall is beginning to make his way onto the scene. It is almost without warning that the long hot days have disappeared, being replaced with continual rain & drizzle. I feel ripped off! All the Victorian Canadians are talking about what an awesome Summer it has been, …

I have cracked wide open

Today there is not to much else to do or understand, but just be and write a little. It feels like everything is coming to a head, and life as I currently know it is changing, not before my eyes – because that actually hasn’t happened yet – but on my insides. Since doing a …

to have a baby, or not to have a baby, that is the question…

The other day, upon receiving Mums care parcel, the craziest experience began to unfold. As if a virtual delivery message was received with this tangible parcel, a communicative message deeper than can be understood began to envelope. Just after Neil answered the door to the postman, who held with him, our parcel, I began to …

The calling of my soul…

I’ve heard this term a bit over my years, it was always one of those coaching descriptions that I understood intellectually, but didn’t yet have an experience of. It’s a bit like your Mum/Dad/Grandparents, telling you, you just know when you’ve met that person you want to marry. There’s a deep inner resonance with your soul. A …

Want to see a preview of me before TRANSFORMATION?

Today I decided to start my own 30 Day Vlog Challenge

I want to overcome my own judgments of myself

– share how I live
– gain a greater reach
– practice my speaking
– share my weirdness

– share my knowledge & wisdom
– inspire greater health
– reach people who need what I’m sharing

– my judgement of how I look
– needing to be perfect
– my image
– repetitive ‘ya knows’ & ‘ums’

– greater speaking clarity
– speak succinctly
– share whats on my mind
– bring out more of my personality
– confidence speaking on video
– allow spirit to speak
