Showing: 11 - 16 of 16 Articles

How to Shift a Cough

How to shift a cough;  I have been acknowledging my sadness, which turned to grief.  Which then turned into a sore throat, and coughing at night. When we don’t release our emotions completely,  they get stuck in our bodies. My life is slowly beginning to change, and it is a result of me changing on the …

I have cracked wide open

Today there is not to much else to do or understand, but just be and write a little. It feels like everything is coming to a head, and life as I currently know it is changing, not before my eyes – because that actually hasn’t happened yet – but on my insides. Since doing a …

to have a baby, or not to have a baby, that is the question…

The other day, upon receiving Mums care parcel, the craziest experience began to unfold. As if a virtual delivery message was received with this tangible parcel, a communicative message deeper than can be understood began to envelope. Just after Neil answered the door to the postman, who held with him, our parcel, I began to …

How to Drive Your Human Vehicle…

What does my soul wish to share today? On matters of the heart & love. Love & Expansion are all that exist in the realm of the soul, there is not much more.  So as humans to be connected too & aware of these, is the gateway for greater joy in ones life! As humans …

A Message for you, dear reader…

Ahhhhhh!!! Sitting down to write feels like reaching the surface after a deep deep dive – for air. I don’t know what it is right now, but there is something in this that I just have to do. I have to write – and share.  Then write some more – then share. And it doesn’t …

The calling of my soul…

I’ve heard this term a bit over my years, it was always one of those coaching descriptions that I understood intellectually, but didn’t yet have an experience of. It’s a bit like your Mum/Dad/Grandparents, telling you, you just know when you’ve met that person you want to marry. There’s a deep inner resonance with your soul. A …
