What does my soul wish to share today?

On matters of the heart & love.

Love & Expansion are all that exist in the realm of the soul, there is not much more.  So as humans to be connected too & aware of these, is the gateway for greater joy in ones life!

As humans we spend to much time worrying about matters of the head, and wondering where are we going, what are we doing, how are we going to do this, that or the other, but the heart knows everything that he needs to know to take us to all these life experiences and questions that our head asks.

The head & the heart might seem separate, but they share their own unique partnership.  One could not operate without the other, without each other, neither would have the experiences that they wish for.  And so, they need to communicate with each other to create.

Your life is a creation of your soul.  Born through your head & your heart.  It is imprinted onto your soul for this lifetime.  You could say that the blueprint is within your soul.  So if we know this, then surrender to our hearts leading us, knowing that they guide us constantly, there really can be nothing, NO-THING to fear.

It is when we allow our conditioned Ego, its wayward adventures of untruth, that we loose the key to drive our human vessel.  The human mind is key, much like the key to your car.  It starts the ignition & gets the engine running.  Our minds are the key to get our hearts running, our body is the vehicle, like the body of your cars vehicle.

So if a healthy mind is where it all begins, how do we surrender to this, to be driven through this wondrous life?


Your mind is like a computer hard drive that you have had since birth.  Storing all thoughts, ideas, beliefs, memories, concepts, anything that you’ve seen, heard and thought of.  You have complete access to everything within it! However your mind will continue to use this past information for the present and your future life, attempting to paint your reality, your life, with what it already knows.

But how could it already know what is to come?  It cannot possibly know what the soul has written.

And so, meditation is the way to clear these previously ingrained ideas, concepts, beliefs and thoughts.  Think of it as your daily garbage collection.  Taking out what is not needed each day.  Creating space in your coconut for new ideas to flow forth from the great old Universe!  You are in co-creation with your heart and the Universe in each and every moment.  You mind just needs to be receptive to receive these ideas.

So when we are ready to be open to receive, we will be ready to move forth in divine flow with the creator and all there is, to create a life far beyond what our minds can conceive.  We each have our own paths to curve and create through this tapestry of life.  They are joyous & fulfilling, beyond our wildest dreams and available to us right now, In this moment, the next moment, and each and every moment for the rest of our days.

It is the dance of being human, a human experience unlike any other.  This is why you choose to come here, to experience aspects of yourself that you couldn’t in your light form.

To weave the web of life and play in the mystery of creation.

Heidi Firth

"I'm living my life inspired by spirit, practicing surrender and following my guidance in each moment..."
Sounds all very idealistic & luxury right? Nope. It takes courage, strength & trust. It's fueled by blood, sweat & a lot of tears.
If it was easy, the planet wouldn't be in this state. Trust your higher purpose & be in awe of life.

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  1. 方舟之結局應該是源自bible 吧 同day after tomorrow 有點像 都是說bible/Christianity 是western calovizitiin 之祖 只不過這只方舟is made in china,可以說是人定勝天 應該是這個意思 沒有其他吧 但我也喜歡made in china 這個idea, 應該是在說中國才是世界生產之首吧.

    1. I couldn’t tell if this comment was intentional or spam. Below is google translators translation.

      “Ark outcome should be derived from the bible same day after tomorrow it is a bit like saying bible / Christianity is a western ancestors but only calovizitiin the Ark is made in china, we can say that man can conquer nature should mean no other right but I also made in china like this idea, we should be saying China is the world ‘s first production of it.”

      This comment reminds me of Traditional Chinese Medicine. As our spirit, or ‘shen’, is at the core of its practice. With restless shen, the body is imbalanced. This can be interpreted that most of Western Society has a restless spirit, as we have become disconnected from heart/soul based being/living.

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