To create change in the world, I write for me. To connect with a story from my soul. To give my soul a purpose. I like the idea of having no agenda. There is so much freedom in no agenda. The same goes for other areas in life. When we have no agenda in everything …
channeled writing
A story for you my sister…
A reoccurring theme has been emerging in my dreams for some years now. I had another last night, and when I awoke, spent some time reflecting on it. It connects to an experience I had during my teenage years. In these years, it involves my friends not inviting me to join them for a spa …
How to Drive Your Human Vehicle…
What does my soul wish to share today? On matters of the heart & love. Love & Expansion are all that exist in the realm of the soul, there is not much more. So as humans to be connected too & aware of these, is the gateway for greater joy in ones life! As humans …
A Message for you, dear reader…
Ahhhhhh!!! Sitting down to write feels like reaching the surface after a deep deep dive – for air. I don’t know what it is right now, but there is something in this that I just have to do. I have to write – and share. Then write some more – then share. And it doesn’t …