it’s 17 december.

we are days away from 2017 being no more.

it’s easy to remember that this year has been tumultuous!

i think the only reason why i am remembering, is because all the feels have come flooding back, i feel like i have somehow transported back in time to how i’ve felt most of this year.

this year has been relentless.

relentless in lessons, in unfolding layers of muck and untruths.  a general supersized spring clean out that has been overdue since eternity.  who knows how many lifetimes this heaviness has been weighing my soul down for?

see, that’s just it isn’t it?

we are not merely dealing with our here and now.  what we see in front of our eyes.

we are deep diving, and clearing out the trash of our past.

our grand mothers mother, and maybe even her grand mothers mother – where does it begin or end?

so when asked, what is wrong?  it has been common to not know.  to shake our heads, as if surrendering to the higher power orchestrating this dance.  for we are merely vessels to direct and hone this light body.  it’s easy to forget.

our work surpasses what we think we are here to complete.  we are more than the conversations that take place each moment.

my energy shifts your energy.  your energy shifts my energy.  we are one.

and so, as these feels return, i am reminded of the work that i committed to, and what i am witness to is moving through me.

an ancient wisdom returning, remembering, connecting to all that is, greater than my ego can understand.  oh ego – dear little ego.

new beginnings have arrived.

it IS the dawn of a new era.

there are more of us than ever before.  ready.  hungry.

there has never been a time like there is right now.

the wolves have returned, and we’re coming in numbers.

we bring hope of new life!


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