Here is your third and final installment to this small blog series.
The Transformation
Its now been about a week or so that you’ve been practicing your new mantra, and observing the changes in your thoughts and your breathing.
I bet your whole world is beginning to open up. You’re seeing new opportunities, feeling new experiences, witnessing synchronicity that you may have previously missed. I LOVE synchronicity!
A shift has occurred and there is new possibility available to you right now!
What a wonderful new space to be in!
Embrace this. It is time to give yourself a pat on the back for the work that you committed too.
As human beings, we’re to quick onto our next project, thought or shiny goal to chase.
Before you head off and start chasing that, I invite you to really embrace this new space that you have moved into.
Its time to celebrate!
Set aside some time for yourself. I’d recommend at least 30 minutes.
Close your eyes.
Tune into all the wonder that you are witness to within your body.
The feelings, experiences, new ideas.
Feel these sensations within your body.
Observe where you feel it & continue to focus your attention on this space within.
Without agenda, continue to watch what happens within your body.
Give yourself as much time as you need here, until your eyes naturally open & there is a sense of completeness.

Now, write or draw your observations of this reflective experience.
To extend this experience further, share this piece with a close friend, partner or loved one.
Give yourself permission to relish in your transformation.
To really seal this change & honor this transition, choose something that you love & book this event into your diary.
I personally love to receive massages, buy flowers for the home, take myself out for breakfast or lunch, buy a delicious nutritious food item for my smoothie or raw treats, or give myself an afternoon to play in nature.
Whatever you choose, make it something that continues to make your heart sing.
I am SO proud of you courageous one!
I would LOVE to hear about your experience and how you chose to celebrate your transformation in the comments.
LOVE xox