I feel like I am in the middle of a pretty big process right now, and I wonder who else might be feeling it too.

I woke this morning to read a number of Facebook posts from women expressing their versions of it, so thought I’d make an attempt to try also.

Usually I would write in my journal about this sort of thing as it that makes no sense to me in my brain, but since I am without a formal journal just yet, figure it may make an interesting post?

I feel muddled, unfocused, a little confused and ready to burst wide open.

Elizabeth Peru says its a huge energetic “out with the old, in with the new” time right now – and boy do I feel it!

I woke this morning with a stiff neck and have felt rather meeehhh – so know something is up.

I decided to energetically clear the house, and I know with our recent vacation, it hasn’t been receiving the love that it usually does from us.  I found a few dark dingy spots, and definitely a few spaces that needed the murkiness cleared.  It is important for me to do this regularly as I can’t control the energies of the people who I am living with.  My sensitivities can sometime frustrate me as I find I pick up on others energies and it tends to make me feel worse for it.  It is teaching me to be more proactive in clearing and protecting, and I am grateful for these lessons, but equally frustrated to live with unaware unconscious individuals.  Likely more lessons for me here.

I feel like I am about to burst into a brand new welcoming space of light that is rich and full with all that I have been consciously and sub-consciously manifesting.  I know this as, the old thoughts presenting just seem to old and out of alignment with what I am working towards.  I am aware of this, but somehow still get pulled into them a little – I am at that threshold before crossing the bridge permanently where these thoughts will be nothing more than the past, a distant memory.

There is so much I anticipate welcoming in!  I am aligning to a new sense of myself – one that will support my new business and how I show up in the world.  One that is aligned to the world and its good.  Tools & insights are slowly dropping in, but nothing that completing makes sense to me yet.  As I said, I am in that middle, a space in between.

If this is happening collectively, there will be energetic debris floating around the earth looking to attach to unknowing individuals, and so there is no time like the present to be MORE conscious to how we are choosing to spend our time, look after ourselves and self care like crazy!

My upcoming e-book, contains specific exercises for self care & nurturing, but in the meantime one simple exercise that we can practice is to protect our energies.  We can visualize white light pour down from our source (Universe, Light, God – whatever or whoever you align too), enter our crown chakras, and cloak our energetic body, protecting us from energies that don’t serve our best & highest good.  It is FAR to easy to not do this, picking up energetic debris, taking it home with us, into our sacred spaces.  This very debris creates experiences and thoughts that are likely not even ours.  Arguments, discomfort, dis-ease, illness… any little manifestation of it…  I have added a link HERE for further detailed information on the ‘how to’s’ of energy protection.  Why reinvent the wheel right.

Not only is it important to practice this little ritual of energy protection for yourself, but if you do feel called to, maybe when out and about in the world you send a golden Reiki Blanket, or energy cleanse public places…  I remember attending my Reiki 2 Workshop and the beautiful Jacqui Bushell shared that she often does this as public service.  When out and about, she will sit and consciously clear the energy of the place that she is in.  Can you imagine?  What a beautiful service to offer to the world.  You then save those people around you from picking up on the energetic crap that is floating in thin air.  It’s a shame we don’t adopt Balinese Traditions with our daily offerings and service to spirit.  If you’ve been to Bali you to will know of the magic that you feel by being on that Island – it is beyond words.  But until that day happens, I invite you to take the steps towards being an energetically responsible individual, and protect your energies and if called, clear public spaces of energetic debris.





Heidi Firth

"I'm living my life inspired by spirit, practicing surrender and following my guidance in each moment..."
Sounds all very idealistic & luxury right? Nope. It takes courage, strength & trust. It's fueled by blood, sweat & a lot of tears.
If it was easy, the planet wouldn't be in this state. Trust your higher purpose & be in awe of life.

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