Today there is not to much else to do or understand, but just be and write a little.
It feels like everything is coming to a head, and life as I currently know it is changing, not before my eyes – because that actually hasn’t happened yet – but on my insides.
Since doing a breath work/sound healing yesterday afternoon, it has brought up all the emotions attached to my current situation. (in case you haven’t read anything; the ‘up in the air-ness’ of my love relationship, my purpose/job/career, my country location…) Three very big life topics to look at at the same time.
I am feeling slightly split open, cracked, cloudy, foggy, unclear, sad, frustrated, sometimes angry, introspective, just to name a few.
This morning I don’t know what to do with myself. Simple feels like a great place to start, so I have meditated, and now I am writing as I heat my breakfast and sip on lemon water.
I had a lovely supportive chat with Lynne yesterday afternoon – she reminded me of how the ego often needs to crack so that new life can pour in. I’ve experienced this once before in my life, and that was in about 2008 – the time in my life when I became depressed & I can compare it to that time – minus the depression – thank god!
Its like trying to think a thought or ask a question – and all you see is blank unlimited space.
What should I do today? Blank Space
What do I feel like doing? Blank Space
Its an interesting place to be. Hence pulling it back to simplicity. Something I think my mind failed with when I entered depression. That over thinking, need to know, brain of mine…
Its when the blankies hit “Blank Space”, then one resorts to a moment by moment affair of what one (me) wants to do with her time.
Which in essence, is all there ever is. This moment in time. The next does not exist yet & never will, until it then becomes the present moment.
We strive to achieve this type of presence in meditation. Being in the here and now, connecting with breath & as I always like to do, my guides/angels & the magic that exists in the spaces between worlds.
Though, this said, lets not discount our minds and how much struggle they can go into & cause us when they are no longer needed (in this sense).
They have been built on us trying to create our lives in our minds. I will live in this country, with this partner, I’d like to do this in the world, and earn this much money, so that we can go on holiday, live a bountiful life and feel happy…
Uh uh – this doesn’t even exist – our minds have created this scene based on past experiences & future ideas for pure entertainment pleasure – so that we can trick ourselves in magically feeling safe in the world. This is the life that I want to live and am working towards – therefore I am SAFE! When the reality is, life is lived moment by moment, it happens to us as a co-creation with us.
What I’m writing is so not anything new – no new concept to you at all, however it is the execution of it, that makes it all the more powerful. Dropping ideas and conditioning and surrendering to the unknown and what life will gift us.
I shared a conversation with my neighbor the other day. We were talking about drinking and why people drink. She told me that she finds life boring, so having a drink is something has makes her feel good. This is exactly the conditioning we are living with. If we are not open & available to lifes’ gifts, then the mind will get bored. We’re not open to being guided by our souls calling, leading us on our own personal adventure.
I don’t want to live a half arsed life – I never have, I feel now, that there has always been a strong will guiding me on my adventures. Even as my head has been in the way for most of my life – I can now sense that it has always been there guiding me.
So the journey home is not an easy one, but a courageous one that will show you parts of yourself that you may not have wished to see, but it is well worth it. Beyond worth. It is life. There is nothing else. As if you pass this life having not experienced that wonder that is you, well have you really lived?
My biggest fear is dying without having release my magic within, having not met my purpose…