In my years of being a Trainer, the proven weight loss tip I’ve ever learnt and applied was,
“Chew your food mindfully in peace and quiet,
until it turns to liquid before you swallow”.
In doing so, each organ in your body carries out its designated role in the eating & digestion process. The mouth for chewing & savoring the taste of your food, the stomach for breaking down chewed particles, the small intestine for absorption of nutrients & minerals, and the large intestine for releasing the waste.
In slowing our chewing, not only do we create time to enjoy our meal, appreciate what nutrition we’ve chosen to nourish our bodies with, the earth it has grown in. We also give our stomach the time it needs to tell our brain that it feels satiated, which means we’ve eaten enough. Therefore we don’t over eat more than is needed. We don’t receive this message way past having already eaten everything on our plates. We are often conditioned to eat everything that’s on our plate, despite our bodies telling us we’re full.
In listening to our bodies feelings of fullness, we also get to eliminate some digestive programs that occur from not chewing our food correctly. Leaky gut, constipation, acid re flux, gas, bloating, burping, abdominal pain, indigestion to name a few.
Because I changed how I chewed my food, my meal portions dropped, my tummy felt less bloated, and I dropped excess weight. I was no longer eating more than I needed, and was able to shed additional kilos my body was holding onto.
This simple change is easier than trying to change many dietary things at once.”
Heidi Firth is a Personal Trainer, Transpersonal Coach & Energy Healer.
Her passion is to inspire others to connect with their inner wisdom, their Inner Guru.