No matter your age, likings, where you are at in your life, what or who you believe in.

We have many ideas for different themes we can talk about or experience together and the circle gives room for you to bring in anything relevant. We just see how we feel on that day and what we all need.

But what you can expect
(Although often the less expectation the greater the experience)

– Smudging/energy cleanse before entering space
(Smudging is the practice of gently burning plants, creating a light smoke, that supports in clearing our aura of energies & thoughts from our day, supporting us to drop into the space easily with clarity of mind & being).
– Hot Cacao to enjoy and open our hearts
– Oracle cards to receive messages or information around your relevant energies
– Sitting in circle, calling in protection & blessings to create sacred space
– Short guided breathing & meditation to help relax and drop into your true essence
– Little rituals like intention setting, journaling, lighting candles (spontaneous)
– Sharing stories & challenges (if desired, nobody has to share anything), listening and holding space for others
– Sharing knowledge and experiences to support each other’s healing and empowering journeys
– Music & dance to free our soul and just have fun
– Closing space, giving gratitude
– Chit chat, connecting, drinking tea

Energy exchange: Koha, leave as much as you want & can, to help cover cost of room & cacao. Please bring cash, there will be a Koha jar within the circle.

What to bring: Mat, blanket & pillow, anything you need to be cozy & comfortable to sit in the circle, mug for cacao, water bottle, journal, anything you want to offer to our altar in the middle like flowers, crystals to charge etc. (not expected)

The event is held at the little chapel at Brayshaw Park, Redwoodtown, Blenheim. Lots of free parking available onsite.

Please note: Nobody is ever forced or pushed to do anything or participate in any ritual they do not want to. This evening is here to come together, enlighten our hearts, spirits & bodies and bring love & fun into our life.

To attend the circle please register below for free. This simply serves to let us know how much cacao to brew and to be able to contact everyone in case something forces us to change the event.

We look forward to gathering!

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to make your reservation.
Next Women’s Circle – Thursday 31 October 2024 at 7:00pm – 9:00pm
The Chapel, Brayshaw Park, Redwoodtown, Blenheim.

Luana & Heidi 

About your Hosts


After arriving in New Zealand, I have been on my spiritual path for the last four years. I am learning every day more and more about the universe and especially myself. Diving deep into my inner world, my heart and my shadows. Observing my mind and my emotions. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of healing and alchemizing. Lots of throw backs. The healing path is like a spiral. You might come back to the seemingly same place, but this time you are actually deeper. Another level is revealed to you.

I am a Shamanic Minister and Shamanic Breathwork Facilitator, recently graduated. As an expat, I miss more sister connection in my life here in New Zealand and want to create an opportunity for creating connection in Blenheim.

For a while now, I wanted to organize events and start offering any support to others where I can. But so many self-doubts and insecurities keep holding me back. It is simply too scary for me to put myself out there. The fear of not being accepted as I am, what I do and to share what I think I know. I am very self-critical, and I am never good enough yet. I am realizing now that I do not have to be perfect or ready, as I might never come to this point. So, I am calling upon you sisters out there, let’s co-create a space where we can gather, connect and hold each other. Literally or emotionally or however it will look like. I believe we all have something to share with someone, if we believe it or not.

In simply showing up, trusting the universe that the right women will be there that evening who might be able to share something valuable to you or you can uplift them.

We all need to be heard to truly feel loved. So, let’s hold space for each other 🩷


I moved to Blenheim six months ago, guided by what felt right and trusting my inner compass, as I’ve always done. My journey through life has been shaped by following these subtle feelings, moving from place to place, country to country, no longer searching for anything in particular but simply aligning with what resonates deep within.

I was born in New Zealand and grew up in the small town of Te Awamutu. In 1999, I set off on a journey, not knowing exactly what I was looking for but trusting the process.

Life has taken me on beautiful adventures, both outwardly and inwardly. My heart has always been in holistic health and healing, a passion that has truly shaped who I am. One of the most powerful and transformative experiences I’ve had along the way has been coming together in Circle with others—sharing, supporting, and healing as a collective.

Now, being new to Blenheim, I find myself longing for that sense of community again. I feel a deep need to gather, to come together and share our wisdom, stories, and gifts. Over the winter, I met Luana at the Farmers Market, and we quickly realized we shared the same desire to create a space for connection.

So here we are. I bring my heart, my experiences, and my wisdom, with the intention of creating a safe, nurturing space where we can all come as we are. My hope is for each of us to contribute and share, building a community rooted in openness and support.

I look forward to gathering with you soon.