I am not one who gets sick, so here’s my share on why getting sick in Bali is a gift…

I listen to my body pretty well, and in doing so, it tells me what I need to do to take care of it on a daily basis.

More and more I surrender into flow, the more I come to know that ‘our’ way of being is so highly action orientated, it often times takes us out of our true nature.

However sometimes something hits, that has the ability to reset one’s whole system, as if pressing the restart button on your phone.  Installing upgrades quickly & making the whole system work efficiently, if not better.

I don’t believe we need to get sick.  I do believe that we have the ability to listen and follow our guidance constantly, and rarely, if ever fall ill to dis-ease.  However we are still human, learning, integrating, listening to new messages, making mistakes and getting things wrong.

I have been bed ridden for a few days this week with some kind of fever.  I felt a few days prior that my well was not full & it needed refueling.  So I pulled in & began resting, taking it easy, but my actions just weren’t cutting it.  In hindsight, I can see I needed to pull right in and keep my energies close to home.  So no social outings & engagements.

I’ve had a number of big changes show up in my world as of late, requesting of me to step up in a big way.  I’m playing the game of trust & surrender.  Trusting that I am taken care of in each moment, which of course I am.  But not knowing how things will work out & show up.

I’m currently living out of 2 x suitcases, staying with a generous friend who has given up her spare room to me until she leaves for Canada early September.  I am living off the small amount of money I have & trusting in myself to create something that allows me to stay longer in Bali, plus carry out the things that I want to do & create.  Most people might make their way home, slide back into a job & plug into the system.  There’s nothing wrong with this, if this is all you trust, but I now know too much to go ‘back’.  There is only forward for me.

So when I discovered a piece of the puzzle last week, that is going to support me with creating my online business, it brought up a stack of my belief patterns.  It was like shining a light so bright on some little gremlins in the middle of the night that they had no other option but to go POOF into a cloud of dust.

getting sick in bali


In doing so, I busted through the walls of an old mindset.  But this mind shift still needed to integrate with the rest of my being.  We are body, mind & spirit creatures and things aren’t integrated until they are on all levels.

Enter the quick fire method of getting sick, to burn up the old.  Old patterns are stored on a cellular level within our bodies, and so they need to shift from that cellular level.  We are constantly releasing the old in too many ways than I can list here, but if your body cannot keep up with what you’re shifting.  It will find a way!

So the gift in me getting sick?  I get to rest.  I get to integrate these new beliefs.  I get to be reborn anew.  Sure, being sick is blaaahhh – it feels like arse!  But if it’s for my best & highest good, then I’m in.  It’s enabled me to surrender to the support of friends, receive, rest, remember that life isn’t compartmentalized.

Life is about enjoyment, fun, living on purpose & remembering that we are constantly supported.  To trust in ourselves & to show up for ourselves in every moment.

I used to think that any ‘work’ output should equate to receiving money, an exchange.  That is an old outdated way of thinking – in my belief system.  I now believe that whatever I do, do it with love & enjoyment.  It might not directly equal receiving money, but it’s on the right path moving me forward, and I am always supported.

Heidi Firth

"I'm living my life inspired by spirit, practicing surrender and following my guidance in each moment..."
Sounds all very idealistic & luxury right? Nope. It takes courage, strength & trust. It's fueled by blood, sweat & a lot of tears.
If it was easy, the planet wouldn't be in this state. Trust your higher purpose & be in awe of life.

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